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Sabbatical Until May 2022



Beste vrienden, collega's en mediacontacten: Momenteel neem ik een pauze van de volgende activiteiten:​
  • Spreken op congressen en seminars buiten mijn werk aan de Vrije Universiteit of Foundation Academy of Amsterdam
  • Spreken bij kerkdiensten buiten mijn eigen kerk
  • Verschijnen in audio of visuele media zoals radio, televisie of podcasts
Alleen interviews voor kranten en tijdschriften worden geaccepteerd.
Mijn sabbatical loopt, Deo Volente, eind mei 2022 af. Tot die tijd, respecteer alstublieft mijn sabbatical door mij niet uit te nodigen voor spreekbeurten of audio/visuele interviews.
Ik waardeer jullie begrip,
Samuel Lee
Dear friends, colleagues, and media contacts! Currently, I am taking a break from the following activities.
• Speaking at conferences and seminars outside of my work at VU University or the Amsterdam Foundation Academy.
• Speaking at church services outside of my own church
• Appearing in audio or visual media such as radio, television, or podcasts
Only interviews for newspapers and magazines are accepted.
My sabbatical will end at the end of May 2022, Deo Volente. Until then, please respect my Sabbatical by not inviting me to speaking engagements or audio/visual interviews. 
I appreciate your thoughtfulness
Samuel Lee

© 2010-2019 by Samuel C. Lee  /  

Samuel Lee (Ph.D.) is the founder and president of the Foundation Academy of Amsterdam, offering higher education in liberal arts and humanities for migrants, refugees, and persecuted minorities.

He is the rector of the Center for Theology of Migration at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Faculty of Religion and Theology (FRT-VU), the educational program of Samen Kerk in Nederland at the FRT-VU. 


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